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Boris Peetz

The Legacy of Boris Peetz

June 10, 2015
by Doug Pollard, author of “PEETZ, A Reel For All Time.” Published in Seaside Times, August 2011 In 1911, a young man arrived in Victoria 11 years after leaving his native Russia. Among his luggage was a tiny kettle and spirit burner he had fabricated while working at the Montreal CPR Argus works for the long trip across Canada. A


Boris Peetz is credited with the innovation of the first PEETZ reel, which likely began its commercial journey in 1924. This was a notable year not only for the introduction of the reel but also for the completion of the Johnson Street Bridge, a significant landmark. The PEETZ reel has since become a respected name in fishing equipment, symbolizing quality and craftsmanship in the angling community.

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Since 1925


